Merry Christmas!

Dear Parishioners & Visitors,   At the end a very derisive and divided year in our country, the Prince of Peace comes into our midst!  “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light!” (Mt 4:16).  We celebrate with JOY even now because the Savior of the world, who comes to us in humble … Continued

Not a Two-for-One!

Dear Parish Family,   Christmas is on a Monday this year!  In case the temptation crossed your mind, there is no “hitting two birds with one stone” by going to the Christmas Eve Mass on Sunday evening.  A number of folks have asked about it, and so to clarify, we are still obliged to fulfill … Continued

Meet the Grubers!

     Dear Parish Family, Thanks to a grant from the generous Trinity Foundation, we have a FOCUS missionary coming to St. John for the next year of 2018!  You may have heard of FOCUS since it has made big waves in campus ministry and because two of our young parishioners, Katie Prevost and Allie Slough, … Continued

Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Mass Times

Don’t miss on coming to Mass this Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This feast is a Holy Day of Obligation, so we are encouraging our St. John Family to join us at one of the following times.

The Game Plan

    Dear Parish Family,   During the homilies of last Sunday and this Sunday, we will have given the big picture of our Church’s approach to the new evangelization here at St. John Parish and the whole Diocese of Lansing, and the crucial role that each of us play in that “game plan,” if … Continued