In the course of time Abel brought one of the best firstlings of his flock to the Lord.  The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering.   ~ Genesis 4:3a, 4

Giving as an Act of Worship

The word “tithe” comes from an Old English word meaning “tenth,” the traditional percentage of our income to be contributed to God and his church. The 5-4-1 model of stewardship, which our parish has embraced for several years now, recommends how that tenth is divided:  5% for our Sunday offertory (for the work of mission here in Jackson), 4% for our capital expenditures (for the building up of the Kingdom of God), and 1%  as our Diocesan Services Appeal (for the myriad of ministries and charities that serve our region). 

Interested in becoming part of our parish family? Click here to register online! 

Read from what some of our parishioners and Finance Council members have said about tithing…

“It is important that we share our personal wealth with the parish to sustain its mission now and for years to come…” ~ John Richards
“Giving became and is the top line in our family budget, which we review at the start of each year and during the year if our circumstances change. It is the offering of our “first fruits,” and we can truly affirm that over the years our parish and charitable giving has become a gift returned to us.” ~ Jack Fremeau 
“We are very blessed at St. John to have so many opportunities to grow in our faith. Couple that with our beautiful church and surrounding property, God has been very good to us. Quite frankly, without parishioner support, we could not maintain any of it. This is our parish. We owe it to God and ourselves to take care of it.”
~ Karen Kurzynowski

We encourage you to consider giving in the following ways… 

  • We are changing our online giving platform to better serve you! If you are a current recurring giver, please CLICK HERE to CANCEL your current recurring gift before signing up with our new provider - PushPay - in the next box on this screen. Or you can call the Parish Finance Office at 517-784-0553.

    CANCEL Current Subscription
  • Make your tithing easier by signing up through online giving! As you pray about how the Lord might want to ask you to give, this is a great time to switch to our easy online format. Or you can text "give" to (877) 492-9873 and follow the prompts to give through your smartphone!

    Click Here for New Link for Online Giving from PushPay!
  • DSA supports our Catholic Charities of Jackson County, seminarian formation, and so much more. Click below to make a pledge to help the Catholic community in our areas!

    Pledge to Diocesan Service Appeal

As past generations have done so for us, may we continue that long tradition and honor of being the Stewards of St. John!  Most of all, however, I invite you to faithfully tithe as a concrete expression of your trust in God and of the recognition that Jesus Christ is truly Lord of your life.  
Please use the form on this page to enroll your family in a recurring pledge to the 5-4-1 model of stewardship of our parish. If you need assistance, please contact the parish office and someone will be happy to help.

Click here to pledge in the “5-4-1” Generosity Challenge 

Hear more about this year's Generosity Challenge, 2024

Participate in the “5-4-1” Model at St. John Parish!

Together we can help our parish family thrive as we partner with one another in ministry through our time, talent, and treasure. Consider how you might be able to give and participate in our model of stewardship. This “5-4-1” plan gives a simple breakdown of where to give and invest our resources.


  • 5 % to our weekly offertory to help our parish family continue to grow and thrive
  • 4%  to Capital Expenditures/Beautification Projects
  • 1% to our Diocesan Services Appeal (D.S.A.)


We hope to help our parishioners increase their giving and partner with us in ministry.

If you are interested in partnering with us in our ministry and joining with other members of our parish family as a steward of St. John, click above!