1873-2023…150 years of Catholic Education at St. John School…Join us as we celebrate!
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Here’s to 150 Years
In just a few days, we begin another year of school. There is excitement, nerves, and maybe a few tears (from maybe a kindergarten mom or two.)
But this is unlike the start of any other school year. We celebrate 150 years of Catholic education starting right here at St. John School. Perhaps the greatest takeaway from my time here is how invested our community is in the school, ensuring Catholic education for all who desire it. It is the hard work of our parishioners, grandparents, parents, and staff over many years who have sacrificed for our children. We are raising children to believe in a world in which where you shop, which car you drive, or the latest version of the iPhone you have is immaterial – despite the culture facing them.
Our school is an extension of the values from home. We are rooted in our faith. During a recent tour for a family, they wanted to make sure their child was going to be immersed in our faith. I was talking about all the ways our teachers and students live out of faith everyday from service to worship to adoration and more. Our teachers continually are living their faith. The acts of service and time spent with Christ this summer were numerous, not advertised, and lived as Christ asked us. Our students treat each other with kindness and respect as they learn to navigate disagreements and different perspectives. It is not always easy, but it is always rooted in Christ.
Over 150 years, the values in this community and school have stayed the same. Christ first, neighbors helping neighbors, and family at the core. Generations have sacrificed to literally lay the foundation for buildings, assist families to send their children, and so much more. We see the benefits of Catholic education in the generations of families that strive to serve, learn, and worship together now.
I take this opportunity of celebrating the start of our 150th year of Catholic education by thanking our parish. Without you, St. John would not be the family it is today. Without your sacrifice and dedication, we would not be blessed with a large school and incredible space to learn, play, and honor God. Without you, we would not be teaching the next generation the importance of His love.
We invite each of you to celebrate this community and 150 years of Catholic education this fall.School mass will be held on Friday, September 15, the actual anniversary of our school beginning 150 years ago. The bishop will celebrate mass. Join us after mass for a small reception in the gym. Hear from important stakeholders in our school community about the importance of Catholic education, thanking you for your support. On Saturday, we continue our celebration! From 4pm-7pm, we will have an open house with tours, memorabilia, food, music, and a bounce house and face painting for our kids. We invite you to come celebrate with us.
This year not only marks the history of 150 years of Catholic education at St. John, but we look forward to another 150 years of children learning about what is truly valuable: their true worth as sons and daughters of God. We continue to make plans for the future to ensure the foundation of the generations that came before us is the foundation that springs us into the future. I am so excited to see where God leads us.
Renee Hornby