We have been experiencing an amazing outpouring of the Holy Spirit this year! Our 8th Graders at their Confirmation Retreat experienced the Living God in a profound way. Our Alpha retreats and the Pentecost healing services have left many, many people with the healing love of Jesus. Our teenagers at Youth Group have witnessed the abundance of God’s love. It is ALL the Spirit’s doing… and it’s overwhelming to witness!


Encounter ADWe offer a once-per-month opportunity to enter into the Lord’s Presence in a unique way with ENCOUNTER. We will sing a little, talk a little, and pray a lot. Join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month, 6:00-8:00pm in the Community Center. We try to be clear with those who have this encounter: these are small stepping stone experiences; the deeper and lasting encounters are in the Sacraments, in the Living Word, and in our daily prayer time.


Next Session Sunday, April 9.


After Easter we will have another terrific opportunity, Fr. Dave from Steubenville will present a series on the Holy Spirit via DVD. We will have discussion, prayer and opportunities to experience the “Wild Goose” of the Spirit. Join us Sunday evenings, during the regular GAMMA GROUP time, right after the 5:00pm Sunday Mass. We will meet the Sundays of the Easter season, leading up to the Feast of Pentecost.

WildGoose Promo