During the interior painting of St. John Church, Masses will be held at St. Joseph Church THROUGH FRIDAY, APRIL 5th. 


Friday Daily Mass will be at St. John School in the gym on most Fridays/when school is in session.  

Our tentative first weekend back at St. John Church will be April 6 and 7th.


While at St. Joseph Church for all (most) Masses, we look forward to continuing our usual
Sunday routine!

Here are a few notes:

*Praying the Rosary, preceding the Sunday 8 a.m. Mass, beginning at 7:15 a.m. All are welcome!

*Family Discipleship will still meet at 11:15 a.m. (in the new meeting room at St. Joseph just off the main church building; enter through the door with the green awning that says Parish Office OR if you’re attending Mass prior, enter through the door along the confessional wall)

*Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) will continue to meet during the 10 a.m. and noon Masses. The two meeting spaces are located in the new meeting room and attached smaller room (for the littles), connected right with the church.

*The Hope & Healing Prayer Team looks forward to offering prayer after the 8am and 10am Masses weekly; once a month, prayer will be offered after each Mass.

*Our St. John K of C will still host a monthly breakfast every 3rd Sunday. Join them for a delicious breakfast and fellowship in the St. John Parish Center after the 8 and 10 am Masses.

*Donations for the St. John St. Vincent de Paul should be brought to the St. John Parish Office between Jan. and March, please. Donations to the St. Joseph SVdP can be placed in the baskets in the Waterloo entrance. These two groups serve different serviceareas and are both appreciative of your donations to help them help others!

Please note: Once school resumes after break, most Friday Masses will be celebrated at the St. John School Gym at 9 a.m. All are welcome. Seating will be available for our parishioners who attend these Masses, and we welcome your presence.