

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”


Sunday evening the Youth Group got to learn a little more about Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She was chosen as the focus of the lesson because of the mercy and love she showed to everyone she interacted with. Her actions here on Earth were so filled with love that she is now in Heaven since it was officially announced by the Vatican that she will be canonized this fall by Pope Francis!


There was a quote from the movie that stuck out in a particular way was when she was speaking to an architect and God’s providential ways. She said, “Money is not a problem, if the Lord likes the idea the money will come. If it doesn’t come it means he was not very interested and never mind.” This powerful lines reminds us that we must always have our ears and hearts open to what the Lord wants for us and not just what we want for ourselves. Though we might pray and pray for something to happen in our lives and it does not, we must always remember the Lord’s plan is larger than ours, we can not see the bigger picture. The Lord loves us and only wants the best for us, may we place our trust and future in His hands. As this Jubilee Year of Mercy is underway may we learn from Mother Teresa’s way so that we may join her and Christ in Heaven one day.