O Come, Let Us Adore! – This Week!

This Friday, come join us for our special Holy Hour, O Come, Let Us Adore! We will be worshiping the Lord together through beautiful song, hearing a message from Fr. Brian, and encountering the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Prelude music starts at 7:00 p.m. with Adoration beginning at 7:30 p.m. Come and let your … Continued

“Reach More” to “Come and See”

   Dear Fellow Parishioners,   God uses us when we make ourselves available to Him.  I believe many of us are in a habit of attending Mass once a week.  What a beautiful time that is to spend with God through the Eucharist!  However, that is not where it ends for the week.  I was … Continued

Come & See Ministry Event!

Have you felt called to get involved at St. John Parish but not sure where to start? Curious to see the different ministries that we offer as a Parish family? This weekend, come and see! Join us after Masses on Saturday, Feb. 3 and Sunday, Feb. 4 for our Come and See Ministry Event.  Enjoy fellowship and free … Continued

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister…

Dear Parish Family,   As part of our parish family, I think it’s especially important to update my “family members” on what is happening in the lives of the teens of the parish. Nothing gives me more joy than to walk in faith with the youth of the parish, and I want to spread that … Continued

Welcome to the New Year!

We’re starting fresh in 2018 on a bit of a unique note around here, which we hope everyone will find edifying and transformative. As brothers in ministry, Fr. Chas and I take about 45 minutes each day to pray together for our parish and for all the endeavors that we believe the Holy Spirit is … Continued