Come Spend your Friday Night with Us!

“O Come, Let us Adore!” is our annual Holy Hour right before the Advent Season. Come start Advent off well with a full hour of adoration, praise and worship music, and a homily from Fr. Brian. Come and encounter our Lord in the most Holy Eucharist.

Grow and Go!

Dear Parish Family,   Happy Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe!  In this last week of the church’s liturgical year, the Gospel directs our focus on the end times, when Christ the King will sit in judgment of all peoples, putting an end to the evil that has caused so much … Continued

Traditions of Family and Faith

       Happy Sunday! And a Happy Thanksgiving this upcoming Thursday.  In the spirit of making some light fun for us, I can’t help but remind everyone to buckle up, as we are quickly walking into that funny circus tent which we like to call “the end of the year.”  You know, that time of year … Continued

A Reminder this Veteran’s Day

             Angel Koerkel ~Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation Often times at Masses over national holidays such as Independence Day or this weekend’s Veteran’s Day there is a recognition of the veterans present.  It’s not unusual to hear the celebrant ask those that have worn the uniform to stand for acknowledgement and … Continued

O Come Let Us Adore

  St. John’s invites your family to come and join your St. John’s family at our Advent Holy Hour, “O Come Let Us Adore.” Join us for an evening of worship, adoration, and prayer as we adore the Lord together. Prelude music starts at 7:00 p.m. and adoration begins at 7:30 p.m. A reception afterwards … Continued