The Richness of Simplicity

Over ten years ago, I was on retreat at a flourishing Benedictine monastery about an hour east of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  One of the senior monks there was giving me spiritual direction and said something that has stuck with me: “There should be a little bit of monk in each of us.”  Why?  A monk knows … Continued

Do You Enjoy Welcoming People?

Dear Parish Family, A couple of years ago, we made an initial attempt to have greeters (or hospitality ministers) to warmly greet people as they come into church.  This has given us a few regular greeters, and maybe you’ve enjoyed the salutations of fellow parishioners like Dan Deverell, Nick Januszewski, Bob & Colleen Irvin, Dan … Continued

Check out our Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit!

Dear Parish Family, You may have noticed something different about our parish center’s Community Room!  For one month, we are privileged to have on display a Vatican International Exhibition called The Eucharistic Miracles of the World.  The exhibit chronicles some of the extraordinary ways that God has confirmed our faith in the real presence of … Continued

Discover Your Giftedness!

Dear Parish Family, Discover your giftedness, and you will discover your calling!  A huge part of our happiness and sense of fulfillment is the conviction that “I am doing what I was created and called to do!”  Do you fully know what that calling is? Many of you have been called to the sacrament of … Continued

Eucharistic Miracles

Greetings brothers and sisters, Each week as we assemble in Mass to worship our Lord Jesus Christ, we are reminded of one of the foundational teachings of our Catholic faith: the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist (CCC #1373.) At each and every Mass around the world, Jesus becomes fully present in the Eucharist … Continued