Youth Ministry Update

It’s a new year. How does time fly so fast? These past five months of serving the youth at St. John’s have been so blessed. I’ve met some of the coolest teens, gotten paid to laugh and talk about the Church, and have been surrounded by such a supportive community through this whole process. And … Continued

How To Read The Bible

Dear Parish Family, You may have heard me encourage you to dive into the Good Book and pray the Scriptures, but then I may not have followed it up with how. It can be intimidating because we don’t even know where to begin. Last Sunday’s homily answered the question, “How do you prayerfully read the … Continued

Happy New Year!

Dear Parish Family, Ah, a new year brings the hopes of new beginnings! Many make new year’s resolutions, including some of us in the parish office. We decided to have a little competitive fun with a weight-loss challenge! The majority of new year’s resolutions seem to revolve around our physical health, but how about our … Continued

Merry Christmas!

Dear Parishioners & Visitors, With JOY we gather together! “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light!” (Mt 4:16). As we close the year, one that was marked with unpredictability and considerable conflict and division both at home and abroad, we as Christians nevertheless rejoice! We rejoice because, even amidst our difficult times, … Continued

Follow-up Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday!

Dear Parish Family, We received the “Witness to Hope” Feasibility Study Report back (Executive Summary inserted in this bulletin), which summed up all of the interviews, in-pew surveys, and the first town hall meeting. Your input and feedback have been heard! It appears at this point that there is NOT sufficient support for Heritage Hall, … Continued