RE logos STJ INVERT For our Religious Education families from last year, and those who have registered early this year: welcome!

PLEASE NOTE: CLASSES BEGIN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 AT 10:00AM! Enter in the back parking lot of the School, in the center of the building. Classes are all in the South Hallway (to your left after entering) – theBib Walk Thru Mass RE Ad old JCMS wing. Kindergarten through 6th will meet in the Gathering Room, 103. The Pre-School and the 7th and 8th grade meet in their classrooms to start! There will be snacks for the kids, coffee for adults and enthusiasm for all.

If you have not yet registered, NO WORRIES! CLICK HERE and register on line. Or come on our first day SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 at 10:00 in St. John School and get started. Here is a PDF of the “Handbook” with all the details: 2016-17 RE Handbook vrs 2And parents, there is a great ADULT CLASS being offered, a DVD and discussion curriculum called A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS. Any and all adults are welcomed; the class meets in the school Teacher Lounge!


From Mr. Gale

Greetings Parents and Families! Welcome aboard another great year at St. John the Evangelist and Religious Education! We are here to help. We promise to make the religious education of our parish family a meaningful priority… we ask for families to make an equal promise of priority! We will work very hard to assure that at the end of each year, students have learned more, loved more, and deepened their friendship with Jesus, and hopefully be inspired to continue with ADULT education for the rest of their lives!

Some changes this year: Miss Clare Kolenda will be helping on Sunday mornings and in the parish with our teens. Clare is the Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation and interim Youth Minister for St. John and St. Joseph. Miss Clare will be with you most weeks, and I will be there as often as I am able. This year ALL classes (except the adult class) will be in the South wing of the School. Pre-School and Kindergarten are split into two classes. We ask parents of 4th grade students and younger to walk their students IN each Sunday and sign their children OUT for safety purposes. Also, for snacks, we are asking that NO peanuts or peanut butter items be brought in to share.


Up-Coming Dates and Events



First Reconciliation (Confession) for 2nd Graders:

Retreat Date: Sunday, January 22  3:00-5:00. St. John Community Room.

Celebration of the Sacrament: There are two options: Thursday evening, February 9, 6:30pm or Saturday Morning, February 11, 10:00am, in the Church.


First Eucharist for 2nd Graders:

Retreat Date: Sunday, March 26 from 3:00-5:00. St. John Community Room.

Practice: Thursday evening, May 4, either 5:30 at St. Joseph, or 6:30 at St. John in the Church.

Reception of the Sacrament: Families may choose Saturday May 6, 4:00 at St. Joseph or Sunday May 7 2:00 at St. John.

THIS YEAR’S celebration of Confirmation 2015-16 Class

(mostly 9th graders who have done all the prep for the last year)

Final Meeting and Practice: Sunday, October 9 from 2:00-4:00 at St. John Community Room

Celebration of the Sacrament: Sunday, October 16, 2:00 OUR LADY OF FATIMA in Michigan Center


The 2016-17 Confirmation class (mostly 8th Graders this year)

Are now BEGINNING their preparation: Initial letters will be mailed out in the NEXT WEEKS and will be posted on our parish website. Our first large group meeting for NEXT YEAR’s candidates and their parents and sponsors is Sunday, November 13, 3:00-5:00 in the St. John Community Room.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated NEXT YEAR in October, 2017.


SNACK SCHEDULE. We will provide most snacks, but would love to have you help on a rotation if you are able. If in any way this is a financial hardship, please don’t feel obligated to participate! When you are scheduled for snack, please bring enough for approximately 12-18 people to the hallway outside the Gathering Room (103 in the South Hall). Remember, this is a light SNACK not a MEAL! The teachers and most of the other parents would appreciate LESS SUGAR if at all possible. NEW THIS YEAR: Please NO PEANUTS or PEANUT BUTTER snacks. We have students and catechists with extreme peanut allergies. Snack ideas: breakfast bars, cheese crackers, animal crackers, fruit snacks, pretzels, grapes, raisins, cereals, apple sauce, string cheese, popcorn…


On the date below, if your LAST NAME begins with the letters, please bring snack! You are only on the rotation THREE TIMES for the whole year!



9/25/2016         WE provide

10/2/2016         WE provide

10/9/2016         WE provide

10/16/2016       A-D

10/23/2016       E-H

10/30/2013       I-M

11/6/2016         N-R

11/13/2016       S-Z

11/20/2016       WE provide

12/4/2016         WE provide

12/11/2016       WE provide

12/18/2016       A-D


1/8/2017           E-H

1/22/2017         I-M

1/29/2017         N-R

2/5/2017           S-Z

2/9 & 2/11         WE provide

2/12/2017         WE provide

2/26/2017         WE provide

3/5/2017           A-D

3/12/2017         E-H

3/19/2017         I-M

3/26/2017         N-R

4/23/2017         S-Z

4/30/2017         WE provide

5/14/2017         WE provide

5/21/2017         WE provide