Growing and Going: Send

Hi! I’m Joseph Gruber, missionary here at Saint John the Evangelist parish. Our local bishop, Bishop Boyea, has asked us to think deeply (and act boldly) in growing and going as disciples of Jesus. If you don’t mind, I’d like to offer a brief reflection on what going looks like in our relationship with Jesus. … Continued

Growing and Going: Build

Hi! I’m Joseph Gruber, missionary here at Saint John the Evangelist parish. Our local bishop, Bishop Boyea, has asked us to think deeply (and act boldly) in growing and going as disciples of Jesus. If you don’t mind, I’d like to offer a brief reflection on what growing looks like in our relationship with Jesus. … Continued

Mass of Anointing

You are invited to join us for a special Mass, Anointing of the Sick, and luncheon on Wednesday, May 30, at 10:30 a.m. During the liturgy all who wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick will have the opportunity to be anointed. Anointing is for anyone experiencing physical, emotional, or spiritual distress. After Mass … Continued

Diocesan Service Appeal 2018

Happy Sunday! This week’s bulletin article is a written extension of the verbal announcement I gave at each of the Masses last weekend regarding our yearly parish DSA commitment. I will flesh out here a bit more on the subject, although you have already heard the basic nugget, so please exercise your liberty to skip … Continued

Child Care coming to St. John!

  We will begin providing Child Care starting May 13th during the 10 a.m. and noon Masses as a support to parents who choose to use the service, but please know that children of all ages are always welcome at Mass!  Come and find out more at our Connection Sunday on May 5-6, and watch the bulletin for more details.  This pilot program will run for 5 weeks before … Continued