Confirmation 2022

        The Confirmation students above met last week for their final meeting before receiving the sacrament and together we prayed a decade of the Rosary, dedicating each Hail Mary to asking for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit & the Theological Virtues.  Please pray this decade for them today that these Gifts … Continued

From the Desk of John Richards, Director of Parish Operations, 10/9/22

My Fellow Parishioners, You are probably aware with the official announcement last week, that I will be stepping down as Director of Parish Operations. It certainly was a tough decision which took a lot of prayer and discernment. I’ve been blessed to be part of the parish staff and to serve the Lord. It has … Continued

From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, FOCUS Parish Missionary

Greetings, Saint John Parish! Why might you want to spend 5 days with me in St. Louis this January 2 nd through 6 th ? Well, besides the obvious reasons that my wife and I enjoy your company and would be delighted to spend time with you, a big reason is that January 2nd through … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 9/18/22

Sunrise, Sunset The 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof, which won an Oscar for best music, featured the moving song Sunrise, Sunset.  The scene is a Jewish wedding where the entire community, each holding a candle, processes at sundown to the wedding site where the groom, in black suit and top hat, is waiting for … Continued