Curiosity Corner: Divine Mercy Sunday

CURIOSITY CORNER:  WHY DO WE DO THAT?                           The Feast of Divine Mercy of Jesus is such a beautiful, holy celebration that is part of our rich Catholic tradition. But in the midst of the joy of Easter and other things filling our calendars, … Continued

Free Financial Advice from God

Honestly, I personally loathe dealing with money matters. It just bores the living daylights out of me. My wife Jill recently said: “We need our WILL done!” And I thought, “Ok, no problem honey!” So being a person that would rather just figure it out myself, I started down the path. Oh my! What a … Continued

Encounter School of Healing

The Encounter School of Healing is all about teaching lay faithful how to be instruments of the Lord’s healing in their communities. Join us April 26-27th, 2019 at St. John the Evangelist for powerful teachings on prayer and receiving more the Holy Spirit. The weekend concludes at a Jackson-wide healing service at St. Mary Star of the … Continued

Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

Happy penitential season, everyone! I’d like to offer a few lines on the three disciplines (prayer, fasting, and almsgiving) that I’ve been finding helpful. The first is that the three disciplines are a direct response to the Fall of man. When we as a race fell, through the actions of our original parents, we lost … Continued

From our School Principal, Kristi Blair…

As our parish school nears its 150th birthday (2023), I would like to take a moment to reflect back on our roots. St. John the Evangelist School was the first Catholic school in Jackson and among the first in Michigan. The opening day of school was September 15, 1873 when four IHM (Servants of the … Continued