From the Desk of Renee Hornby, Principal

Here’s to 150 Years In just a few days, we begin another year of school. There is excitement, nerves, and maybe a few tears (from maybe a kindergarten mom or two.) But this is unlike the start of any other school year. We celebrate 150 years of Catholic education starting right here at St. John … Continued

A Message from Fr. Richard Affrim, Ghana

St. John Parish Summer Mission Appeal, 8/12-8/13/23 THIS WEEKEND WE WELCOME   Fr. Richard D. Affrim from the Diocese of Ho, Ghana  This weekend Fr. Richard D. Affrim is asking the people of our parish to support the work of the church in the Diocese of Ho, Ghana.  Their mission is to bring the Gospel to … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Mike McCormick, 8/6/23

Transfiguration Jesus took three apostles, Peter, James and John, up to the mountain to pray.  While they were praying, Jesus was surrounded by a bright light.  Moses appeared on one side and Elijah appeared on the other side.  Jesus was talking to them. Moses symbolized the Law and Elijah symbolized the Prophets.  A voice came … Continued

From the Desk of Kathy Blanchard, Director of Family Discipleship

Past, Present, and Future Collide During the week of July 16th, with Angel at the helm, and Todd and I along for the ride, we traversed the countryside—destination the Don Bosco Catechetical Conference in Steubenville, Ohio.  We gathered with 600+ catechists, youth ministers, diocesan personnel, deacons, priests, and bishops from as far away as Nigeria … Continued

From the Desk of Kathryn Fisher, Administrative Assistant

The Least of My Brothers and Sisters This 4th of July I had the pleasure of seeing many of my family I hadn’t seen in quite some time.  I spent a lot of time with my two widowed aunts, Connie and Dorothy.  They spent a lot of time talking about the past.  It was a … Continued