From the Desk of Todd Gale, Discipleship Coordinator & Spiritual Director

SOURCE AND SUMMIT Have you ever heard the account of St. Teresa of Calcutta, the war in Lebanon, and the rescue of 60 children after a miraculous ceasefire? I want to start this breath-taking story with the Source of Mother Teresa’s supernatural faith and amazing trust in God’s providence. Her work was miraculously fruitful and … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters

“From every mountainside, let freedom ring.” These words from Samuel Francis Smith’s 1831 hymn America rang throughout our land last week as we attained the ripe old age of 247.  And what better way to party on our birthday than with fireworks, burgers and brats on the grill and a couple of brewskis?  After all, … Continued

From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Coordinator of Sacramental Prep

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Those words, spoken by the fictional Uncle Ben to his nephew, Peter Parker (aka: Spiderman), might be from a comic book, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t true and worth serious consideration.  As Catholic Americans, we belong to two of the most powerful institutions on the face of the … Continued

From the Desk of John Dullock, Pastoral Council President

Pastoral Council—A Few Words from Our President & a Call for Nominations It’s that time of year where we seek three new members to help guide our parish by membership on the Pastoral Council. All Pastoral Council members will be practicing Catholics who are to be on mission with our Lord and an oath of … Continued

From the Desk of Renee Hornby, St. John School Principal

Thank You for a Great Year As we come upon the final week of school, I think of all the incredible blessings witnessed at St. John School this year. Many people have asked how the year has gone. With the flood in the school and getting to know a new community, there were many challenges. … Continued