From the Desk of the Pastor

Dear Parish Family, Happy feast day of Christ the King!  We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you’ve found our 3-part homily series, “Priest, Prophet, and King,” edifying.  Fr. Brian’s and my hope is that we are not only more knowledgeable about our participation in this threefold office and mission of Jesus Christ, … Continued

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister…

Dear Parish Family,   I have a small public confession to make. As much as I love vacations and holidays and special occasions, there’s just something about “ordinary” that really attracts me. I love the familiarity of a schedule with no disruptions and that feeling of knowing what to expect that day. There’s a simple … Continued

Diocesan Women’s Conference & On Becoming Dynamic Catholics

On November 3rd, over 2 dozen women from our parish enjoyed a beautiful day of fellowship and learning at the Diocesan Women’s Conference, “Arise, My Beloved,” in Lansing.  Here’s what a few of our attendees had to say: **“I got so much out of the beautiful music, the words, and singing with such a crowd … Continued

Something Awesome this Way Comes

Something awesome this way comes! Can you feel it? Can you sense it? We so often see the downward spiral of statistics showing the Catholic Church of the West in decline. We’ve seen here in Jackson over the last 40 years a dramatic down-shifting from the numbers of parishes, schools, vocations and participating members. If … Continued

Lectio Divina: Being Seen by God

Hi Saint John Community,   As we’re focusing on becoming missionary disciples and diving deep into Matthew Kelly’s book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, I’d love to share my favorite way of getting to know God and growing in intimacy with Him: lectio divina, which is Latin for divine reading. It was through … Continued