What’s next?

Dear Parish Family, On September 22, history was made for our Diocese of Lansing. I was amazed by how strong a showing our St. John Parish had at the Diocesan Assembly!  Among the 13,000+ people at MSU’s Breslin Center, we were 350+ strong, which is more than one-fourth of usual weekend Mass attendance!  That robust … Continued

Prayer: Conversations with God

My bulletin article this week is something I have touched on before.  And it’s about something that I am utterly and admittedly not an expert.  However, because of the nature of my job, I have the opportunity to know people, talk with educated people practically every day, and learn things on a regular basis which allows … Continued

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister

With the slight brush of cold coming in these last few weeks, fall has started in full swing! I not only feel it in the change of air but also in the change of activity around our Par-ish. Both our High School and Mid-dle School Youth Groups have be-gun, and I’m already having so much … Continued

“Witness to Love” Mentorship Program

For the past year, our parish thematic goal at St. John Parish has been “Marriage and Family Life.” In other words, we’ve worked to support these areas within our parish in order to help young families.  Many new initiatives have arisen as a direct result, from Family Fun Nights, to offering child care during some … Continued

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land!

  Let Expert Guides Steve & Janet lead you through the Holy Land—just like in the movies! They’ve been to the Holy Land over 150 times filming, exploring & leading pilgrimages. Join this spiritually enriching biblical adventure. Fr. Chas Canoy and Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation, invite you to join them on this once … Continued