Unseen before our Eyes

I recently heard a most interesting story that ran in the Washington Post more than ten years ago. Post author Gene Weingarten covered the story of the international genius violinist Joshua Bell. Bell masterfully plays a violin handcrafted in 1713 by the  legendary Antonio Stradivari. His instrument is reportedly worth more than 3 million dollars. … Continued

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister…

It has been such a great opportunity getting to go through Confirmation Interviews with our upcoming 9th grade students who are almost ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I love being able to sit down with them and hear about how they have experienced God and in what ways they see Him moving in … Continued

End of the Summer Reflection

Welcome, my friends, to the fastest summer on record!  You can almost feel it in the air (well I can at least): we have journeyed together through the sands of time, across the oceans of occasion, and scaled the mountains of opportunity.  Now we arrive to the impending celestial return of our pastor whose own … Continued

Prayers for our Parish

Perhaps you’ve received a call lately from your friendly neighborhood Parish Representative!  If so, you may have tried to jog your memory about what you’d heard at church, trying to remember “Who are Parish Reps?” and “What’s that group all about, again?”  The goal of the Parish Rep ministry is to continually build the culture … Continued

The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity

On August 15, 2018, the latest book by Matthew Kelly will be available to the general population.  It is titled The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity, and because we have had a relationship with his organization, Dynamic Catholic, for quite some time, we were privileged to have the opportunity to preview a copy … Continued