From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 3/12/23

“Now I Begin!” Say then with boldness, “Now I begin,” and go forward constantly in God’s service. Do not lookback so often, because one who looks back cannot run. And do not be content to begin only forthis year. Begin every day, because it is for every day, even for every hour of the day, … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas Canoy, Pastor

Dear Parish Family, An important component to our Lenten journey is reflecting upon the stewardship of all with which we have been blessed.  I am so pleased and proud of your response in these last two months after our parish’s Sunday offertory was behind budget approaching this last Christmas.  You recognized the need, and your … Continued

From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Coordinator of Sacramental Prep, 2/19/23

Getting From Point A to Point B  Although it may be hard to believe, we are about to enter into an incredible journey together.  This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday, aka: point A, and begin our travels through Lent toward our destination, point B, the holiest season of the year: the Triduum.  The word … Continued

From the Desk of Bill Mitch, Director of Parish Operations

A married couple’s primary objective is to get one another into heaven. There are many other responsibilities that come with being married, but all of them should be pointing toward this primary driver. Abby Mitch is going to get me to heaven and I, her. My wife is a big part of my faith journey … Continued