The Diocesan Assembly, Fall 2018

The slow change in temperature and the sudden surprise of color in the tips of leaves lately signal a change in season, a transition to fall.  Most of us have a favorite season, and this just happens to be mine! What is it about the changing seasons that seems to captivate us? Is it the … Continued

Indulgences? Really?

Indulgences?  Really? Do We Still Teach That? Bishop Boyea is officially granting a plenary indulgence to those who attend the big Diocesan Assembly. Few things in Catholicism are more misunderstood or more divisive than indulgences. If we read the Catechism, paragraphs 1471-1474, there is a definition. An indulgence is “a remission of the temporal punishment due … Continued

From the Desk of the Pastor…

Strengthen your faith! In these tumultuous times, we need to “stand firm and hold fast” to our faith, as St. Paul exhorts us (2 Thes. 2:15).  Our faith is not in man, but in the God who judges, redeems, heals, and saves a fallen humanity from its own destruction and raises his people to the … Continued

Religious Education starts September 23rd!

Our team, Youth Minister Clare Kolenda, Sacramental Coordinator Angel Koerkel, Director of Faith Formation Todd Gale, and the rest of the staff are determined to offer consistent, excellent opportunities from pre-school to senior adult. We are praying and working hard to make our ministries attractive, winsome, and rich in authentic Catholicism. One of the things … Continued