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Celebrating the Mass Ad Orientem at St. Joseph Oratory

Our columnists for this bulletin are Pastoral Council member, Ray Gorczyca, and Dcn. Al Krieger of our St. Joseph Oratory.  They had approached me with an idea of presiding at Mass in a way that has been done for centuries called ad orientem, but using the current Novus Ordo, not the Extraordinary Form. After discussion … Continued

Pastoral Council

From our Pastoral Council President, John Dullock… Pastoral Council What is it and who is on it? It’s come to my attention that some may not be aware of what our St. John the Evangelist Parish Pastoral Council does.  In a few cases, some didn’t even know we had a Pastoral Council or what a … Continued


From our Director of Faith Formation, Todd Gale… We are God’s beloved, made in the image and likeness of the Trinitarian God. We reflect His divine nature—which is a relationship of love where the Three are One. But REFLECTING the godliness of God is not good enough for Him. He wants us to share directly … Continued

Faith, Family, & Friendship at St. John Elementary School

A letter from St. John Elementary School parent, Kelli Piepkow… “Teach me knowledge and good judgement, for I trust your commands.” Psalm 119:66 The school year has begun! I know for a lot of parents – myself included – there is a bittersweet mix of sadness at saying goodbye to the lazy days and the … Continued