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Meet our Summer Seminarian!

Throughout my life, I have struggled with control. Over the years, the desire for control has manifested itself in many ways. On the playground, I was the one telling other kids the “right” way to play. In middle school and high school, I wanted to have perfect grades. After I graduated high school, I wanted … Continued

Happy Father’s Day to our Parish Dads!

Dear Parish Family, Last month, I extolled the paramount importance of our mothers. Now it’s time to do the same for our fathers. There is something about the authority and influence of fathers that has a varying effect than the correspondingly important authority and influence of mothers. They complement one another, and both are needed. … Continued

Vacation Bible School – 2019

Are the kids bored yet?  We’ve got the cure!  Join us for our annual Vacation Bible School next week, June 25-27, 9am-Noon, held at St. John Elementary!  We’ll have a great time learning how Jesus is the Living Water through crafts, songs, and more.  Registration is free, although free-will donations are always graciously accepted, and … Continued

Come Holy Spirit!

This Pentecost Sunday I pray not that we might get more of the Holy Spirit but that the Holy Spirit might get more of US–that our will, our reactions, our world-view, our very character should become controlled by the Spirit. First off, who is the Holy Spirit? Let’s turn to a little known bishop of … Continued

Listening to Jesus: Giving and Receiving

As a parishioner for over 40 years, I feel very comfortable speaking with fellow parishioners about sharing their time and talent in things like the Alpha program or one of our various awesome ministries that we will honor later in the month of June. In fact, I enjoy helping people find their “niche” within the … Continued