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Reasons to Check out

“You formed my inmost being; You knit me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 These beautiful words, this awesome truth, as revealed to us in the Psalms give us a small taste of God’s great love for us, His creation. Each of us is specially formed by the Creator of the universe. And from our … Continued

Easter Vigil Pictures

One sign of grace is new life and we have that in abundance this Easter season. Please join us in welcoming the newest members of the Catholic faith & St. John Parish!  

Curiosity Corner: Divine Mercy Sunday

CURIOSITY CORNER:  WHY DO WE DO THAT?                           The Feast of Divine Mercy of Jesus is such a beautiful, holy celebration that is part of our rich Catholic tradition. But in the midst of the joy of Easter and other things filling our calendars, … Continued

Live the Resurrected Life!

Dear Parish Family, Welcome to St. John Parish! Each Easter Sunday, God’s breath of hope emanates from all the churches throughout the world because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! In that victory, Jesus has defeated the spiritual forces that bind the human person from receiving freedom and life. Those evils Jesus defeats for … Continued

Encounter the Holy Spirit!

I had the pleasure of briefly introducing the Encounter School of Healing at the Masses this past weekend. I’ve also been blessed to attend their conferences as well as several others that I would call, “supernaturally charged”. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that God has so much more for His people! Many … Continued