“An Adventure into the Interior Life”

divorced retreat logoA Retreat for Divorced Catholics
February 10-12, 2017

This warm and uplifting event is less about the daily details of your life–or the devastation of your divorce–than it is a special time to draw close to Our Lord. Drawing from the story of the Samaritan woman who encounters Christ at Jacob’s well, this event recognizes that after divorce people are much more aware of  the deep thirst that needs quenching … particularly in all their relationships. To get to core issues, the weekend helps you go deeper into the interior life by asking:

​Will I ever fully heal from divorce? What makes me happy and why does it elude me at times? Who is Christ to me? What does he have to say to me? How does he love me? What does he offer me? Do I really believe him? What holds me back from receiving his living water in the daily details of my life? and, on a practical level, HOW DO I INCORPORATE ALL THIS INTO MY RELATIONSHIPS?

Included in the weekend is a fun welcome and introduction, talks, helpful exercises, small group breakouts, quiet time for reflection, meals, a full-length movie, and more. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available.

Cost: $175 for single occupancy or $150 for double occupancy, with a $50 non-refundable deposit.  Click here to register: St. Francis Retreats