What did Jesus write?

The adulterous woman was dragged by the crowd to throw stones at her and to kill her in accordance with the Law of Moses. They wanted Jesus to approve the sentence. But they all left one by one leaving Jesus and the woman alone. What did Jesus write on the ground that caused the scribes … Continued

Our St. Joseph “door openers”!

A big THANK YOU to Rebekah, 10, and Sarah, 8, who help each week to make our St. Joseph Oratory even more handicapped accessible! With dozens of handicapped parking spots with 30 feet of the entrance, no steps or stairs, and these young ladies opening the doors, we hope it is easy for you to … Continued

Bored at Mass?

If you’ve ever been bored at Mass, ever felt like you don’t get anything out of it, ever wondered why we have to attend every Sunday, or if you’d just like to learn more about what exactly IS happening at the Mass – here’s your chance!  This week and next (March 9 & 16), our … Continued

The Lenten Practice of Almsgiving

Dear Parish Family, A major part of Lent is almsgiving.  At the Masses I celebrated last Sunday, I explained our parish Lenten project in further depth, explaining the specific ways we are endeavoring to “welcome the stranger,” “comfort the afflicted,” and “feed the hungry” with the alms placed in our “House of Mercy” by the … Continued

The new life

The parable of the prodigal son is called “the greatest short story in the world” (Charles Dickens), “the gospel of the gospels”, “the gospel of the outcasts,” and the “parable of the prodigal Father.” The prodigal son story has moved great artists like Rembrandt; composers like John Newton (amazing grace) the golden voiced man Ted … Continued