Changing Dates on You!

Dear Parish Family, We did a switcheroo of the dates of two big parish events, so please note it on your calendar!     “O Come, Let Us Adore Him” – now Friday, March 13 Called and Gifted Workshop – now Friday, March 20 and 21 Why the change?  Pope Francis is leading a day … Continued

An invitation to see, to listen and to experience

God’s call is personal and at the same time very demanding.  It is an invitation to enter into His holiness with an attitude of faith and total trust in God. We encounter a God who speaks to us and we are called upon to listen to Him and respond to Him. Now as we enter the … Continued

7 Steps to a Life-Giving Lent!

Before Jesus’ public ministry, he went out to the desert for forty days of prayer and fasting.  We periodically need to take time to shed the excess in our lives, that is, the overabundance of activity and events that so consumes our time and focus that we forget about the most important thing in this … Continued

Called & Gifted – Signup


Called and Gifted Workshop – March 20 & 21, 2015 from StJohntheEvangelist on Vimeo. The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 75,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. The Called & Gifted™ process is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in … Continued

Barren Times & Wilderness of Life

We began the season of Lent with the Ash Wednesday. There are forty days in lent excluding the six Sundays that occur between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. The number forty is a significant biblical number as we see the many important events happening in the” forty” period.  The first event that is mentioned in … Continued