Holy Week is Upon Us

Holy Week is Upon Us!     Dear Parish Family,   If you haven’t had a chance to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent, the final Penance Service in the area is on Tuesday at Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish at 7:00 p.m.  Here is a short rundown of the Easter Triduum: Holy … Continued

Moving forward in 2017

Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I wanted to let you know personally that I’ll be transitioning away from full-time employment with the parish office. I will still be available to the parish on a contractual basis as needed. Although I will no longer be a member of the staff, my family and I will remain an … Continued

Come And See

Our Pastoral Council, Parish Representatives and staff have been working on developing new branding material to support the church’s evangelization efforts.   In looking for a parish “tagline,” literally dozens of potential phrases were suggested that might create interest in the church. The groups collectively chose five from the many for continued discussion. One, although … Continued

Lae-what Sunday?

Dear Parish Family, Today is Laetare Sunday!  “Lae-what?” you may ask.  Laetare [lay-tah-ray] is the Latin word for “Rejoice!” and it comes from the first word of today’s entrance antiphon.   Well, what is the “entrance antiphon?”  The entrance antiphon, or introit, is the opening sentence usually chanted at the beginning of a liturgy.  Here … Continued

Adoration, March 24

O Come, Let Us Adore Him! Join us on Friday, March 24, for music and Adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist.  If you’ve attended one of our Holy Hours before then you know that these are profound encounters with the living Christ in prayer and reflection as we gaze on His true presence.  If … Continued