From the Desk of Kathryn Fisher, Administrative Assistant, 1/7/24

Epiphany! This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.  The feast marks the end of the Christmas season.  Traditionally, Epiphany was observed on the January  6 and is a feast of the Church older than Christmas.  Since 1970, the celebration is held in some countries on the Sunday after January 1; more … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas Canoy, Pastor – 12/24/23

God Making Himself Small for Us Dear Parish Family, In over 18 years of priesthood, I’ve celebrated the baptisms of many infants.  Babies draw everyone’s attention and affection.  There is little that disarms us and endears us more than a small baby.  The biggest wonder of Christmas is the gift of the infant Jesus.   Our … Continued

From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Sacramental Prep Coordinator – 12/17/23

The Stations of Advent If you’re anything like me, by now – the 3rd Sunday of Advent – you’re tired of trying to come up with the “perfect” gift ideas, tired of the running around & busyness, and especially tired of hearing the same five Christmas songs on endless repeat.  Yet, today, this Gaudete Sunday, … Continued