Office Will Be Closed Friday, December 8th, after 1 p.m.

The Parish Office will be closed on Dec. 8th, after 1 p.m. as the staff take some time to have fellowship with one another this Advent season. If you have any questions, you may email us or use the contact form below and we will follow up with you! Remember that Dec. 8th is a … Continued

Come Spend your Friday Night with Us!

“O Come, Let us Adore!” is our annual Holy Hour right before the Advent Season. Come start Advent off well with a full hour of adoration, praise and worship music, and a homily from Fr. Brian. Come and encounter our Lord in the most Holy Eucharist.

Blue Mass This Weekend

This Sunday at 10 am there will be a “Blue Mass” honoring all first responders.  Please plan to attend. To all Knights of Columbus, preparation for breakfast Sunday morning will start at 730, and we will especially need help for cleanup from 11 am to 1230 pm. Please honor our first responders with your attendance … Continued

RSS Feed Update

Dear St. John family, We’re sorry for the intro to our weekly emails that state information about our RSS feed and where it’s originating the posts. It’s not a permanent solution and we are still working to resolve the issue. Thanks for your patience!  

Update Your Information at St. John’s!

We are asking our parishioners to fill out an update form so that we can ensure that we have accurate information from all of you for purposes of outreach and communication. Please see the bulletin for the form or download it here and fill it out.   You can drop off the form at the … Continued