God holds nothing back

Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday. With Palm Sunday we begin the   Holy Week and Jesus’ final agonizing journey to the cross.  The word passion comes from a Latin word meaning “to suffer,” and we meditatively go with the sufferings of Jesus. In the first part of the liturgy we commemorate the triumphal … Continued

Serving at the Lord’s Altar

Dear Parish Family, You will notice something a little bit different with our altar servers. Do you remember when Mark Martin, our seminarian intern, was here last year before he went into his first year of sem-inary? A number of you commented how good he was in helping the other younger servers in guiding them … Continued

What did Jesus write?

The adulterous woman was dragged by the crowd to throw stones at her and to kill her in accordance with the Law of Moses. They wanted Jesus to approve the sentence. But they all left one by one leaving Jesus and the woman alone. What did Jesus write on the ground that caused the scribes … Continued

The new life

The parable of the prodigal son is called “the greatest short story in the world” (Charles Dickens), “the gospel of the gospels”, “the gospel of the outcasts,” and the “parable of the prodigal Father.” The prodigal son story has moved great artists like Rembrandt; composers like John Newton (amazing grace) the golden voiced man Ted … Continued

Come, Let Us Adore!

Dear Parish Family, How is your Lent going?  Have you been able to take time away from everything and be with the Lord?  This Friday’s “Come, Let Us Adore!” evening of adoration is the perfect time to do that as Friday, March 4 marks the halfway point of Lent this year.  Begin this second half … Continued