Borrowed Time is Not Permanent

Why does God permit the innocent people to suffer? Why the ISIS continue to slaughter and torture good people? The problem of human suffering and evil in the world raises serious questions. People of Israel believed that God punished the people either through violence, war or though epidemics as a result of their sins or … Continued

Pastor’s Sunday Bulletin Article – “House of Mercy” – Part 2

Dear Parish Family, It was a packed week with our staff retreat this past Tuesday and Wednesday.  Friends allowed us to use their cottage on Pleasant Lake, and there we worked on team unity and better communication, as well the pastoral vision for the parish we discussed with interested parishioners last Thursday.  Then on Thursday … Continued

An Invitation to Listen

Jesus took Peter James John and went up the mountain to pray. And there at their sight he was transfigured. They got a preview of the glory of the risen Jesus from the dead and his glory in heaven. It was also a preview of the glory we all hope to share in heaven. Through … Continued

“The House of Mercy” – Feb. 14 Bulletin Article

Dear Parish Family, With this past Ash Wednesday and today’s First Sunday of Lent, we have begun this holy season of repentance and conversion.  We open up our lives to God’s transforming work, and it takes an active denial of the things that get in the way of receiving God’s grace and power.  Not denying … Continued

We begin the season of Lent

Lent Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent.  Lent means “spring time” referring to the long days. We have forty days in the season of Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday excluding the six Sundays leading to the Easter Sunday.   Lent is a time given for us to know the person of Jesus … Continued