First Reconciliation Pictures

The rest of our second graders received the sacrament of Reconciliation on January 23. 2018. Thank you all the teachers, parents, priest, and faith formation team members who made this a memorable night for the children and their families.   Photo Credit: Sarah DeLuca  

Come & See Ministry Event!

Have you felt called to get involved at St. John Parish but not sure where to start? Curious to see the different ministries that we offer as a Parish family? This weekend, come and see! Join us after Masses on Saturday, Feb. 3 and Sunday, Feb. 4 for our Come and See Ministry Event.  Enjoy fellowship and free … Continued

Save the Date for Our Lenten Holy Hour!

Mark your calendars! St. John’s “O Come, Let Us Adore!” Lenten holy hour is happening in just a few weeks, on February 23, 2018. This is a powerful way to help you keep your focus on Jesus through the upcoming Lenten season. Come experience the beauty and transformative power of the Holy Eucharist. Prelude music … Continued

Come Spend your Friday Night with Us!

“O Come, Let us Adore!” is our annual Holy Hour right before the Advent Season. Come start Advent off well with a full hour of adoration, praise and worship music, and a homily from Fr. Brian. Come and encounter our Lord in the most Holy Eucharist.