Alpha Retreat Day ad AUgust

We are offering a new four hour mini-retreat on Saturday August 20 in the Fr. Murray Community Center that is open to all parishioners, especially all past RCIA neophytes and Alpha participants. Special guests at the retreat will be the current RCIA Inquirers and Alpha attendees. A major component of the Alpha Program is a retreat day that focuses on the Holy Spirit and prayer; if you have attended one of the two previous Alpha retreats, this will be SIMILAR but with very different PRESENTATIONS and prayer. Please join us for a brunch that begins at Noon. We will end right about 4:00, in plenty of time to attend the 4:15 Mass. If you plan to attend, reservations are not necessary, but if you could e-mail Todd ( or call the parish office (784-0553), it will help in the planning of food!