We held our third parish ALPHA Course on Sunday mornings over the summer, using Alpha as the RCIA Period of Inquiry. Total attendance was 42 (including volunteers). Our total Alpha attendance for St. John with three Alpha courses is 254 individuals.

Alpha Summer ad

50% of the most recent attendees ranked Alpha as LIFE CHANGING or VERY GOOD. 80% of evaluators recognized a major shift in their spiritual journey from “lukewarm” or “seeking” to some higher level of discipleship! The top ranking things the participants liked most (in order) were making new friends, the talks & videos, the terrific food, the welcoming atmosphere, strengthened faith, and the music & song.

The Alpha retreat day was Spirit-filled and dynamic! Again, the “proof is in the pudding” as we welcomed 25 new people officially into RCIA!

St. John’s fourth Alpha will be held off campus at the Grand River Brewery in October and November of 2016! Check out our next Pub Alpha.