We have two very different choices on Wednesdays of April for our adult study series Catholicism 101.  We will be offering the Called & Gifted program that helps us discern our charisms, the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to each of us as the Body of Christ. Those who “became Catholic” at Easter (the Neophytes and Candidates who entered full communion with the Catholic Church) will be attending Called & Gifted as the final stage of their RCIA. We also will be offering a terrific series of discussions and video from Dr. Edward Sri (the major host of the Symbolon series) called A Biblical Walk Through The Mass. This is geared for those who are in the next wave of RCIA. Both sessions are available to anyone in the parish, as we open the doors to the RCIA classes for adult education and formation. Choose one!

Called & Gifted will meet in the larger Community Room, possibly with some RCIA guests from other Jackson area parishes joining us. We do have a $10 workbook fee, if you can afford it (but no worries, please don’t let the cost stop you from attending). A Walk Through The Mass will meet in the smaller Meeting Room. Both offerings will meet the Wednesdays of April from 6:30-8:30 with some light refreshments each week.

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