
Have questions? Interested in learning more or joining the church? Contact Todd Gale.

Who is OCIA for?

OCIA is the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, it has been a process for people to become disciples of Jesus and members of the Church since the 300’s A.D.!

  • Un-baptized adults
  • Adults baptized in other Christian Denominations
  • Those baptized as Catholic, but have been away from Catholicism, never celebrated Confirmation and/or never received Holy Communion

St. John’s Approach to OCIA

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is not just a class or program. It is a process of conversion, turning our life toward Jesus and the Catholic Church. It is the process of making disciples (followers, students) of Jesus and prepares a person for a lifelong commitment as a Catholic. The initiation of new members is celebrated each year, ordinarily at the Easter Vigil, the night before Easter. At St. John we will work with you on your journey.

Everyone’s journey of faith is unique.

Some people have done many years of extensive study on their own, they may have been attending other denominations or even the Catholic Mass for years; others may enter the OCIA who have never set foot inside a church. Some folks missed Confirmation when they were younger; some are married to a Catholic and decide it’s time for them to be Catholic, too; others are engaged to be married and want to explore Catholicism. Every story is different, and inquirers do not all show up with questions in September, neatly fitting into a school-year program. So, we do not think of OCIA as a “calendar call”: instead we offer a Year Round OCIA. We will work with your time and calendar, and do our best to meet your needs wherever you are in your faith walk. While there are expectations and minimum requirements, more than anything, we want you to experience a real sense of community while you make your way to Jesus in the Sacraments of the Church.

Two Options:

Sunday Mornings at 8:30 am 

or Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 pm

Check out our videos here (titled before the name changed to OCIA)RCIA and Catholicism 101