Sharing the Good News

Many thanks to Adam Janke of St. Paul Street Evangelization who joined us last Saturday for Basic Evangelization Training!  We had 60 registrants for this workshop, and their feedback was very telling:

“Adam is one of God’s jewels here on earth, to teach us the benefits of the Catholic faith and prayers, and to share it with others.”

“I am so glad I came. Awesome stories. Thanks for sharing practical examples.”

“Don’t change anything. This is an amazing workshop.”

“I loved the prayerful approach to the subject, and the wonderful presentation by the presenter.” 

“I loved Adam’s enthusiasm in presenting the material. My only suggestion is to turn this into a 2-day workshop to take more time to digest everything.”

“All the practice sessions were excellent tools for me!”

To explain, St. Paul Street Evangelization and the training itself is not solely about going out on the sidewalk or in public places to evangelize to strangers, though many of  the tools we learned that day could be used in that way!  The practical tips and strategies Adam taught are the very ways that we can help bring Jesus to the people we encounter each day and love dearly! From friends and co-workers to neighbors and family members or even a spouse, these strategies are non-threatening, non-confrontational approaches to entering into faith conversations in a loving way!

Our Disciple Nights will continue to cover the content from this workshop, and all are invited (not just those who were able to attend the training).  We encourage you to join us on Wednesday, Feb. 12th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center!

Personally, some of the best reminders of the day are all about the basics!

  1. Keep your evangelization simple; don’t overcomplicate the process or think it’s all up to you.
  2. Pray!  Pray before a conversation, during it, and after!
  3. Don’t outrun grace! We can’t move faster than grace is moving in the other’s life. Evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit! Be a partner…listen and move when the Spirit says move!
  4. Constantly be on the lookout: How can I bring Jesus to others this day?  In this moment?

As we continue to “Walk with One” this year,  So look for more to come!  Keep learning and growing.  Pray for boldness! Pray for the other’s open heart and mind and the grace necessary to take the next step in moving closer to Jesus!

Lord, help us share you this year with another!

Praying for you as you “Walk with One!”
