Registration is required to attend the following Masses:

PALM SUNDAY: 4:15 p.m. Mass of Anticipation, 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., noon (all with overflow)

HOLY THURSDAY: 7:00 p.m. (with overflow) 

GOOD FRIDAY: 1:00 p.m. (with overflow)

EASTER VIGIL: 9 p.m. (with overflow) 

EASTER:  8:00, 9:30, 10:00, noon (all with overflow)

(There will be a 5:00 Mass without registration.)

Please Note:

Mass Capacities to Increase, Online Registration for Holy Week & Easter, and Pew Missals 

Just this past week, Bishop Boyea announced that we may now allow for some relaxing of Covid requirements in our parishes, moving up to 50% attendance at any point between now and the end of the dispensation (May 23).  

With that, rather than bumping immediately to 50% capacity, we will plan to increase our capacity more gradually, moving from our current 30% capacity to a 40% capacity beginning on Palm Sunday weekend, March 27-28.  (This will allow for 170 people at St. John Church and 128 at St. Joseph.)  

Our St. John Parish Center will still be open with a live-streamed Mass to allow for overflow at all Masses except our 5 p.m. (or as a place for those who arrive and decide that they’d prefer greater distancing).  Communion is distributed at this location, as well.

Please note that with many of our elderly now having had the chance to be vaccinated, this increased capacity is possible, but if that makes you feel uncomfortable, it may be advisable to still participate from home, joining in with our live-streamed Mass.

With these updates, we continue to ask that all who are medically able to do so to please wear a mask for the health of and concern for others around you.

Please remember that Palm Sunday through Holy Week and Easter are already times of increased attendance yearly, so with that, we will require online registration.  See our website to do so or call the parish office…spaces are likely to fill quickly.

Finally, beginning March 27th, we will see a return to our Pew Missals for use in the pews!  Some of you have already purchased your own copy for personal use.  If you didn’t purchase one but would prefer to have your own copy as we approach the March 27th date, feel free to buy one after Mass for $5 each.

We have loved seeing increased attendance numbers already taking place these past few weeks and look forward to having more and more of our church family return.  In that, we strive to consider your safety and well-being while accommodating those who wish to slowly return between now and the end of the dispensation.  Please continue your prayers for an end to the Covid pandemic and for good health for all of us!

To access the Sign-Up Genius, click the link provided here:

Be sure to sign up for any & all Masses you plan to attend, giving the number of people in your group.