This year’s Triduum homilies beautifully flow from one another! You can catch all three here, in which case you would start from the bottom, beginning with Holy Thursday. 

Fr. Brian begins this series on Holy Thursday leaving us with the question, “You have the power of a single life? How shall you use it?”  And Fr. Chas wraps up this series at the Easter Vigil describing how many are choosing to use it: by bringing people to Jesus through the invitation of their own lives well lived, accompanying them to the Sacraments of the Church as we welcomed 11 neophytes at this year’s Vigil!  

Fr. Chas’ Easter Homily (from the Vigil): God of Life

In Act 3 of three-fold Paschal Mystery, the Prince of Peace and Man of War rises as the God of Life, restoring to us life, that we might have the abundant life! Jesus the God of Life rose victorious over sin and death so as to recreate humanity and all of creation!



Fr. Brian’s Good Friday Homily:  Man of War

Jesus makes war against evil today! He wages the war for us that we are unable to wage for ourselves. He makes righteous warfare on our behalf, and he asks us to follow him!



Fr. Brian’s Holy Thursday (Mass of the Lord’s Supper) Homily:  The Prince of Peace

When we receive Holy Communion in faith, it isn’t not just our body that is nourished, it is your soul that is renewed and made well.  This is the covenant of peace that helps re-order chaos.