1st Sunday of Lent, 2/18/24


This is what Lent is all about…trusting that God knows what we need better than we know ourselves. Fr. Chas’ Homily:

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/11/24


We are called to the heights of holiness!  But we’re not going to get there by just trying harder…we have to intentionally decide “who to spend time with” so that we can imitate their holiness and through that become more like Jesus. Fr. Brian’s Homily:  

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/4/24


The healing and miracles Jesus did, he still does today!  As we celebrate the 13th anniversary of our Eucharistic miracle, and amidst the Year of Eucharistic Revival, Fr. Chas shares the details of another Eucharistic miracle, and how the Lord gives us his very heart! Fr. Chas’ Homily:

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/28/24


We are living in a world today that is “on fire.” WIthout graces from the Father in Sacrament and Word, though, we are “fighting fires with Dixie cups.” Dcn. Dave’s Homily:  

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/21/24


In order to be great, we have to have vision and then courage.  God provides both!  Are we willing to “abandon our boats” and follow? Fr. Brian’s Homily: