4th Sunday of Easter, 4/21/24

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, we are reminded that we are all called to shepherd! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
On this Good Shepherd Sunday, we are reminded that we are all called to shepherd! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
The Masters and the Master What defines you? God awaits your answer, and his mad love for you hopes that it’s God’s love that defines you as his son or daughter of the Father and the beloved of the Son, fully possessed by the Holy Spirit. Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Fr. Brian’s Homily: Jesus, the Prince of Peace, desires for us the harmony that exists with right order. God’s Divine Mercy helps order our souls and bring peace to set us on our mission!
This year’s Triduum homilies beautifully flow from one another! You can catch all three here, in which case you would start from the bottom, beginning with Holy Thursday. Fr. Brian begins this series on Holy Thursday leaving us with the question, “You have the power of a single life? How shall you use it?” And … Continued
Jesus invites us to walk with him, to accompany him, as he enters the gates of Jerusalem this Palm Sunday! Dcn. Dave’s Homily: