2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/14/24
Do we come to our Eucharistic Lord with expectant faith in the ways he can heal us and those we love? Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Do we come to our Eucharistic Lord with expectant faith in the ways he can heal us and those we love? Fr. Chas’ Homily:
“God chose to take on our humanity, to become a child, and then a teenager, and then an adult who works just like we do. He lives the human life that we live for thirty years, experiencing relationships as a human and with human emotions, and then, around the age of thirty, he begins to … Continued
As we think about family this day, we are reminded: “Those gifts that are most valuable to give to each other are…the gift of our time and the gift of our love!” Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Fr. Brian beautifully depicts two key lessons of Christmas: the need to be loved by God and the need to love like God! Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. Chas powerfully reminds us of the way the Lord comes to us into our messiness and our brokenness, entering in as a small infant, vulnerable and united … Continued
The Greek word “kecharitomene” used for “Full of Grace” to describe Mary is a past, present, and future tense all at once! Listen as Dcn. Dave reveals for us a deeper understanding of Luke’s account of the Annunciation! Dcn. Dave’s Homily: