3rd Sunday of Advent, 12/17/23


On this Third Week of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, we have the excellent opportunity to Rejoice…for God has loaned us this time.  And we are called to be good stewards of our time, to recognize God in our midst…to know, serve, and love Him! Fr. Brian’s Homily:  

2nd Sunday of Advent, 12/10/23


“Gospel” in Greek is “Euangelion”, or “Good News.”  In his Gospel, Mark writes with the same language used to describe Caesar to announce the TRUE Savior!  In so doing, Mark invites us to discover the advent of Jesus! Here, Fr. Chas invites us to discover Jesus anew! Fr. Chas’ Homily:

1st Sunday of Advent, 12/3/23


When Jesus looked around around every day, what do you think he said to himself?  This Advent, ask to learn a different way to watch and to look, seeing in everything, “Oh, my Father made that,” and asking the Lord for full restoration of what is broken, including ourselves! Fr. Brian’s Homily:

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11/19/23


In today’s Gospel parable, we hear of the servant who buried his treasure.  The Lord calls us to so much more and is generous with his gifts!  With them, we are asked to be “re-gifters”!   Dcn. Dave’s Homily: