17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 7/30/23
Jesus wants to be your prize possession as you are His! What keeps you from the “Pearl of Great Price”? Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Jesus wants to be your prize possession as you are His! What keeps you from the “Pearl of Great Price”? Fr. Chas’ Homily:
“When God calls us to live in the world he planted us, he asks us to have courage.” Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Jesus is a generous and indiscriminate sower! This week’s reading makes for a great examination of conscience, a “soil check” of sorts: Where is your heart right now? Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Jesus invites us to yoke ourselves to him! “In the end, the question isn’t whether we’re yoked or not, the question is, ‘Whose yoke do we wear?’…because you’ve got to serve somebody!” Dcn. Dave Etter’s Homily:
Loving Jesus above all things… In today’s Gospel, Jesus is saying, “We need our loves to be ordered rightly so that our blessings and relationships can be healthy” and” When our loves are ordered rightly, by definition, everything that is good within us begins to overflow to all of those who are going to receive … Continued