12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 6/25/23
Working together to become an “Amazing Parish,” prayer is key! Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Working together to become an “Amazing Parish,” prayer is key! Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Due to internet disruptions (that have now been addressed), Dcn. Dave’s awesome homily was not captured in full, but here’s a great snippet from a key part!
God is an eternal exchange of love; he’s not just loving. The very essence of what He is IS love. Listen to better understand the central mystery of our faith: The Trinity! Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Everyone has the same mission. It is the mission that Jesus received from his Father. But we cannot do this on our own; the Spirit comes to provide! (The last word or two was clipped as we experienced technical difficulties, but the full message of Fr. Brian’s homily is here!) Fr. Brian’s Homily: