21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8/21/22
Got your jersey? Ready to strive? Welcome to the God Squad! Today Fr. Brian reminds us that whether we’re striving or not striving has individual consequences and corporate consequences. Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Got your jersey? Ready to strive? Welcome to the God Squad! Today Fr. Brian reminds us that whether we’re striving or not striving has individual consequences and corporate consequences. Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Why does Jesus, the “Prince of Peace,” say in the Gospel for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” I thought his whole point of coming was to bring peace on earth; so what’s up, Jesus? … Continued
Today Deacon Dave explains how it pleases the Lord to see us earnestly seek Him. Dcn. Dave’s video Homily:
Just as our bodies have their material needs, our souls have immaterial needs. Is your soul hungry? Are you trying to fill it with “food” that doesn’t satisfy? Fr. Brian’s Homily:
The theme of “prayer” continues, and Fr. Chas gives us some helpful insights! Fr. Chas’ Homily: