5th Sunday of Lent – 4/3/22
We have to drop the stones in our hands to open them to receive the Lord’s mercy! Fr. Chas’ video homily:
We have to drop the stones in our hands to open them to receive the Lord’s mercy! Fr. Chas’ video homily:
On this Laetare Sunday, we are reminded that in the midst of the desert of Lent and in the journey itself, we can lean into surrender, reconciliation, and joy! Dcn. Dave’s video homily:
Allow the Master Gardener access to your soil…and see the fruit that grows! Fr. Brian’s homily:
With the Lenten Season’s pillar of giving, we dive into our annual DSA kick-off and 5-4-1 Generosity Challenge. Please make your pledges here: https://saintjohnjackson.org/giving/ Watch Fr. Chas’ homily here:
Jesus reveals the purpose of our human freedom: So we may freely choose to surrender to the love of God poured forth through Jesus. Fr. Brian’s Homily: