Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October is “Respect Life Month,” and Fr. Chas reminds us of the sanctity of all human lives! Fr. Chas’ Video Homily:
October is “Respect Life Month,” and Fr. Chas reminds us of the sanctity of all human lives! Fr. Chas’ Video Homily:
This is how God saves us, all revealed in two lines of Luke’s Gospel today!! Fr. Brian’s Video Homily:
Today, Jesus invites us to live a life of heroic, sacrificial love! And when we’re united with Him, whatever is His is ours as well! Listen as Fr. Chas shares this and more during this year’s State of the Parish address. Fr. Chas’ Video Homily:
Dcn. Dave’s reflection on the encyclical “Humanae Vitae” connects the Gospel well on this Respect Life Sunday. Dcn. Dave’s Video Homily:
To be holy, to be chosen, to be set apart…to live in the gifts of the Spirit is what God desires for all of us (and wants us to desire)! Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. Bob’s Homily: