25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 9/19/21
Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. Zach’ Homily: Fr. Jim’s Homily:
Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. Zach’ Homily: Fr. Jim’s Homily:
On this Come & See: Ministry & Faith Formation Event weekend, our readings fittingly tell us that “Faith without works is dead.” Listen, as Fr. Chas explains! Fr. Chas’ Video Homily:
It can be all too easy to ‘harden our hearts’ to the words of God. Dcn. Dave tells us that opening our ears, as Jesus did for the deaf man, will bring understanding of God’s truth in today’s world. Dcn. Dave’s Video Homily:
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the minutiae that we forget the basics, the most important things. Fr. Brian’s Video Homily:
Week 1: The Lord shows us what he can do when we offer him even the little we have! Week 2: The lie that we need more, the lie that we should be afraid of God, and the lie of self-sufficiency…the Lord enters into them all with his truth … Continued