Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, 6/13/21


How is the kingdom of God growing in you?  Fr. Brian offers an interesting perspective on today’s Gospel, reminding us that when fear or worry grow in us, it is time to invite the Lord in, asking what He would like flourishing in its place.   Fr. Brian’s Homily: 

Corpus Christi – 6/6/21

On this Corpus Christi, Deacon Dave reminds us how we often approach a meal, eating without entering into the moment; he ends this powerful homily about the Body and Blood of Christ with this insight: “Symbols do not bleed.”   Dcn. Dave’s Homily:

Pentecost, 5/23/21


Nunc Coepi!  This Pentecost we are particularly called to think about our need to “begin again!” Fr. Brian’s Video Homily:

The Ascension of the Lord, 5/16/21


In the Ascension, Jesus returns to the realm of God and completes his mission.  It facilitates us being closely united with Jesus through the sacramental life of the Church. Fr. Chas’ Video Homily: